Unable to Publish Deployments

Since this morning, I have been unable to publish my deployments. The process starts but never completes and eventually fails without providing any clear error message. Additionally, navigating to the “Deployments” section of the dashboard is extremely slow—taking several minutes and often failing to load.

Here is what I’ve tried so far:

  • Reconnected the GitHub connection: This took a long time (around 30 minutes) but eventually succeeded after multiple attempts.
  • Checked for any ongoing or unfinished deployments: It appears I have two unfinished queues for two different deployments ( works and rest ), as indicated in the screenshots attached.
  • Logged in and out of Cleavr.io and checked GitHub status.
  • Verified that all other services are functioning normally and confirmed that no related settings have been changed recently.

Could you please help me in identifying the issue and suggest any steps to resolve it?
I did not change anything related to deployments in a while.
Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 12.51.11
Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 12.52.41

Thank you!

Hello @webify,

We’ll look into the issue and get back to you.

That answer was under 60 seconds—a new world record! Congratulations!

Hello @webify,

You should now be able to publish deployments. If you encounter any issues, please let us know.

just tried it. exactly the same problem as before. It is not working. now i got more queued and failed items. I only did 1 deploy command.
Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 13.55.38
Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 13.56.01

Hello @webify,

The issue was a false positive caused by an earlier error. Please try again and let us know if you encounter any problems.

i just deployed.
I will work a bit and see if it stays the way.

Thank you for now!

Same problem for me for the last 2 days on all my accounts and servers. None of many of my deployemnt workflows works.

I think you fixed something so at least it started giving me error norification on the client
" Error deploying the web app. undefined×"

Hello @Philword,

We have been experiencing some database connection issues with our app server over the past few days and have released several fixes to address the problem.

Please provide the name of the workflow that is encountering issues, and we will investigate further.

For future reference, if your deployments were stuck in a Pending/Queued state during the downtime and you are currently unable to trigger new deployments, please use the Cancel Deployment or Cancel All Deployments options and try triggering the deployment again.

I have two separate accounts.
On 1st account I tried this DW: stake.astroarmadillos.io

On other account: api.gemier.com and wepitched.com

Hello @Philword,

For workflow stake.astroarmadillos.io can you please try re-authenticating the VC Profile associated with it? You can re-authenticate it from Connection Profiles > Version Control.

And it looks like api.gemier.com and wepitched.com were deployed successfully.

and same for wepitched.com

I reautentificated, but still

Abortion can happen on different hook, sometime even when “Activate New Deployment” Same issue on other deployemnts

And wepitched.com same.

I can submit deployments, but they never get started or executed. The deployments remain inactive after submission.

yes that was one of the first things is did.
then it got stuck with multiple runnig deployments.

Hello @webify,

Regarding the deployment workflows for ****fy.works and ****fy.rest, I have re-deployed them, and the deployment was completed successfully.

If there are any other workflows where you’re experiencing issues, please let me know.

Hello @Philword,

The server connection is frequently timing out, which is causing deployment failures.

Could you please check the status of the server with your VPS provider? High resource utilization could also lead to similar behavior.

I have 8 separate servers with different capacities. Even those where almost 0 load still have issue to even Link ENV.