This site can't be reached

Hi (again)

I seem to be having trouble with a simple node/express app.
Locally everything is ok, but after deploying and going to the site, my browser returns a “connection_refused” error.

I’ve stripped everything out of the app, apart from the “index” route, which should return a simple “hello world” string.

My domain is pointing correctly to my server’s public IP[.

I’ve noticed that pm2 seems to be up and down like a yo yo and then gets killed.
Not quite sure what’s happening here.


So it looks as though the SSL certificate was invalid and after setting a new one, the site shows up as expected.

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For anyone else, it’s worth doing a check by validating the certificate, which then highlights the error. As the UI didn’t show this as a problem immediately.

Was the SSL cert a LetsEncrypt cert or a custom one?

A LetsEncrypt generated one