Is the issue related with getting 502 after deployement? I remember your support request about 502 after deployment and having to refresh PM2. If the issue is same, we’ve released some new updates around NodeJS based applications and you can check the release notes.
As far as the webapp logs is concerned, you should be able to see the logs (if there are any). We use logs fetched from PM2 to show logs in the webapp logs page.
[Updated] If you update PM2 Ecosystem config from Webapp > Settings > Build, we re-start the application on the next deployment which may cause your app to stop responding for a few seconds.
Yes, webapp logs are for individual webapp and it’ll show the logs only if there are any associated with the app (If you’re using any logger to log the error/message, or when there are certain app level errors).
There are few more places where you can check the logs:
In the deployment details page, click View PM2 Logs