Server status not working

When i shutdown my server on digital ocean still shows active in cleaver, and there is no option to shutdown server from cleaver.

I also made a few notes of on some features:

  • Hooks - Show the commands that runs when i open a hook, it only shows the stack
  • Automatic add dns for the domain(like in the old cleaver app)
  • Add the ability to disable a site
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Hi @willmkt - when you say shutdown, are you looking to turn off the droplet? Or, did you destroy the droplet?

It is when i turn off the droplet

Hooks - Show the commands that runs when i open a hook, it only shows the stack

Some hooks are really complicated and it’s the combination of running different checks and then some commands. We do have plans to show some hints to give an idea of what a hook does. Just to get more context - what hook did you want to see more details for? And for what reason?

Automatic add dns for the domain(like in the old cleaver app)

This was nice, I agree but this was also one of the most problematic features of Cleaver Desktop. It would fail mainly because users didn’t know that they have to configure the NS records first and assumed that it just works like magic and then we’d receive a lot of complaints of how adding dns records fail. Also, there isn’t a consistent API to add records and really doesn’t work for custom servers (again, people wanted it for custom servers)

Add the ability to disable a site

I’m not sure what this means. How would you “disable” a site? And what problem would it solve?

Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile: