Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

HELLO, I’m trying to deploy my adonis5 application, and it’s giving me the error: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory.
The curious thing is that in the error itself it says that he tried to allocate 2gb: 75924 ms: Scavenge 2029.6 (2078.1) → 2023.2 (2079.4) MB, 6.6 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.689, current mu = 0.431) allocation failure.

But my droplet on digital ocean (which is connected) has 8gb of ram…
I can even build this application directly through digitalocean.

Hi @weellington and welcome to the Cleavr forum!

Typically, we see this with smaller server sizes. There are a couple things you can try:

  1. Use the Clean Disk feature to remove unneeded files to increase space - Clean Disk Space - Cleavr docs
  2. Remove old deployments and change the keep old deployments value in the deployment workflow settings to a lower value
  3. If you are using GitHub for your code repo, try enabling GHA to build the project - GitHub Actions - Cleavr docs

I hope this helps!