PM2 Processes starting with 2 instances

Hi there,

i have discovered a little weirdness.

  • Created a new Website
  • Lets Encrypt showed an error
  • Went to check on PM2 because it was mentioned in the error message
  • PM2 showed after pm2 save and pm2 status 2 times the same domain.

This shouldn’t be happening, because our webapps are deployed with instances: 1 and so i have to take terminal access just to deploy an app.

Hello @Houbsi ,

We are extremely sorry about the issue. You can try the following steps to fix the current problem.
If the server has server has 1 CPU, then a quick fix is to restart PM2 from cleavr > web app > deployments and then on the app status, click the ellipsis menu item and then click restart app.

A more long-term fix is to update exec_mode to fork as opposed to the cluster. And, also change instances from max to 1 and then redeploy the app so that the new PM2 config settings hit the server.
Feel free to send a message if the issue still exists.

Thank you.

Hi @EineeshGelal ,

I Just created the Site with no Webapp connected to it. This happens during the setup.

Hello @Houbsi -

Can you please send me a direct message with the email your Cleavr account is under? I’ll take a closer look at your account. :slight_smile: