Hello there!
I am having trouble with a full disk and as i was investigating the source i was stumbling upon the /opt folder (46G) which itself is holding folders “cleavr” and “pm2”:
28K /opt/cleavr
46G /opt/pm2
Looking closer it seems the logs are quite spamming the disk with 40 gigs of logs (ouch!)
80K /opt/pm2/dump.pm2
84K /opt/pm2/dump.pm2.bak
40G /opt/pm2/logs
4.0K /opt/pm2/module_conf.json
4.0K /opt/pm2/modules
200K /opt/pm2/pids
5.3G /opt/pm2/pm2.log
4.0K /opt/pm2/pm2.pid
0 /opt/pm2/pub.sock
0 /opt/pm2/rpc.sock
4.0K /opt/pm2/touch
Am I missing some option to regularly remove these types of logs from pm2 inside of cleavr?
Appreciate your help!