New updates released over last couple of days

We’ve released a couple of times over the last couple of days.

Here’s what’s new!

:white_check_mark: Enabled server monitoring for AWS servers
:white_check_mark: Deployment rollbacks - you can choose an previous deployment to rollback to as well as include scripts to run after rollback - such as rolling back the db migration for instance
:white_check_mark: Cluster mode enabled for NodeJS / AdonisJS apps
:white_check_mark: You can now add any public GitHub repository to build from
:white_check_mark: Logs are now available for NodeJS apps
:white_check_mark: We’ve improved designating entry point for Node JS apps - you can even use npm start; however, you will likely need to manually restart PM2 if you choose to do that
:white_check_mark: New spark lines added to servers list for any server you’ve enabled monitoring for
:white_check_mark: Added ability to stop/start/refresh/remove monitoring from services section
:white_check_mark: Fixed an issue with NGINX not restarting properly after a server reboot
:white_check_mark: And more goodies!

Dang - it didn’t seem like we did that much… :smiley: