We’ve released a couple of times over the last couple of days.
Here’s what’s new!
Enabled server monitoring for AWS servers
Deployment rollbacks - you can choose an previous deployment to rollback to as well as include scripts to run after rollback - such as rolling back the db migration for instance
Cluster mode enabled for NodeJS / AdonisJS apps
You can now add any public GitHub repository to build from
Logs are now available for NodeJS apps
We’ve improved designating entry point for Node JS apps - you can even use npm start; however, you will likely need to manually restart PM2 if you choose to do that
New spark lines added to servers list for any server you’ve enabled monitoring for
Added ability to stop/start/refresh/remove monitoring from services section
Fixed an issue with NGINX not restarting properly after a server reboot
And more goodies!
Dang - it didn’t seem like we did that much…