DNS check for SSL creation

We snuck in a new feature yesterday!

During site creation, if you select option to enable SSL, then we’ll do a DNS check to make sure the domain is registered and pointing to the correct IP that is necessary for SSL cert installation to be successful.

We’re pretty stoked about this as one of the most common reasons for site creation failure has been due to DNS / IP mismatches. Previously, we displayed a warning and a link to verify on dnschecker.com. However, we believe this will tighten it up even more and reduce the occurrences of failed site creations due to SSL / DNS issues.

If you get blocked by DNS not aligning correctly, then you can always proceed creating a site without SSL enabled and then simply install SSL certs once the DNS has fully propagated.

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We haven’t made any changes to the Let’s Encrypt installation process in a long time. This latest enhancement performs some checks to make sure your DNS and server are ready for the Let’s Encrypt installation process.

Let’s Encrypt does enforce rate limits which can impede creating SSL-enabled sites using same domain - https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/

when I process manual ssl. it s not display as success

I see! If you side-load SSL then Cleaver isn’t going to be aware of that…