Deploying a Gatsby site

I thought I’d play around with Gatsby a bit and create a guide. The guide is in process but here is the skinny:

In this example, I’m deploying the Gatsby Starter Blog at


  1. Add the gatsby CLI to your server by creating a new Quick Script and then use the following script: npm install -g gatsby-cli
  2. Add a new NodeJS Static site on your server
  3. Head over to the web app section to configure the web app
  4. Select a GitHub VC profile in web app > code repository
  5. Add in gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog for the repository and master for the branch to deploy
  6. In the Build settings tab, add gatsby build for the Build Command and public for Artifacts Path
  7. Deploy!

Here is the guide -

Hey, i am currently not able to install the cli:

npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See There’s Math.random(), and then there’s Math.random() · V8 for details.

normally this should be skipped - or what i have todo?

I feel like I’ve seen a similar error referencing uuid and to resolve I simply changed the node version - from like i think v16 to v14/15.

Give that a try first. Uninstall node 16 (if that’s the version installed) from the server > services page, install a later version of Node, and then try redeploying.

Hey , does not work :frowning: I set up a new server and tried it with n16 and n14.

Darn! I was thinking that was most likely the issue.

I’ll see if I can reproduce the error and play around with it a bit.

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