Custom server error at very 1st step

Hi there :slight_smile:

I’m a new user and try to add my own french VPS, which is Scaleway.
I tried to add a custom server and I’m blocked at the very first step:

You can see the errors.
I’ve filled all fields in the form.

My custom server is a fresh ubuntu 20.04 installation with curl installed.

Did I make a mistake please?
Thanks all :+1:

Hello @crewstyle, welcome to Cleavr!

I am able to reproduce. this on the servers page when adding a new server. I’ll get this fixed right away.

In the meantime, you can provision the server from the dashboard section, I’m not seeing any errors on that page when provisioning a custom server.

Hey @amiedema !

Thanks :blush:

Thanks for your quick reply.

And I’ll give a try and let you know.

Have a nice weekend


Just to let you know the “Provision New Server” step 2 button does not work too:

The only way to make it work is to use the top-right “Create new” button.

Have a nice weekend