Clear old local backups periodically - Digital Ocean Spaces profile

There’s info in the docs about clearing local backups periodically but no mention of how to do this with DO spaces. Are there plans for this to be added or is there a recommended approach that could be added to the docs?

I ended up following this guide to set an expiration policy on our DO Spaces bucket using the aws CLI.

Feature request: Ability to specify backup expiration time for DO Spaces backups in cleavr console. I imagine this would install/update a lifecycle policy json file for the bucket similar to how it’s done in the above guide.

Hello @squpshift,

We’re right now working on this/testing the feature. We’ll probably release the feature behind feature flipper in the next few days.


That’s great news @anish :slight_smile:

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Hello @squpshift,

You can now set how many days to keep backups for Backblaze, S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Wasabi from the Server > Backups page.

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