Caching plugins for Cleavr Optimized WordPress/WooCommerce Site

I installed my WordPress with Cleavr by adding a WordPress site.
Do I need to install any plugins to make the caching working?

I notice under Server, Services, there is a Mencached, do I need to install it?
Does it create conflict with fast cgi cache?

Can I still use Rocket plugin?
Is there a walk through guide / doc?

If using FastCGI with WooCommerce, we have some tips available here: WooCommerce FastCGI Optimization - Cleavr docs

We’ve had some other customers in the past use memcached and Redis for their WP caching solution. Those are more involved I believe and unfortunately we don’t have any guides for those setups.

Hi Adam,

is this FastCGI example modified after our conversation last year?
I remember me that I stopped working on it because so many pages are not cached anymore.

@mike, I think you can use it but you need to use an object cache as well. For example the Redis service and the Redis plugin from Till KrĂĽss.
Don’t forget testing any theme and plugin makes it different.

Yes, actually I created that doc as a result of our convo. :slight_smile:

This rule needs a bit more attention:

# Don't cache uris containing the following segments
  if ($request_uri ~* "/wp-admin/|/cart/|/my-account.*|/checkout/|/wishlist.*|/wp-json/|/xmlrpc.php|wp-.*.php|/feed/|index.php|sitemap(_index)?.xml|[a-z0-9_-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?.xml") {
    set $skip_cache 1;

Slugs like “cart” or “my-account” are often translated or changed. Maybe you can add a disclaimer to your document.

And I see on this page a few more exclusions:

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I do notice that there is a differnece between your docs’ script with the default code.

@finalwebsites Thanks for pointing out that many website have cart and my-account translated, your are so right on this point. Like my website, I use WPML to translate them into local languages.

If your shop is multi language you need to test anything 100 times :wink:

Right the WooCommerce tweaks have more cache exclusions. That’s why you need to use Redis as well. Otherwise your whole shop doesn’t have a lot of cache.